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O Universo - Além Do Big Bang

Imaginando a Décima Dimensão

Dr. Michio Kaku: "The World in 2030"

"The World in 2030: How Science will Affect Computers, Medicine, Jobs, Our Lifestyles and the Wealth of our Nations"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and the Henry Semat Professor at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where he has taught for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and earned his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley.

Dr. Kaku is one of the founders of string field theory, a field of research within string theory. String theory seeks to provide a unified description for all matter and the fundamental forces of the universe.

His book The Physics of the Impossible addresses how science fiction technology may become possible in the future. His other books include Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension , selected as one of the best science books of 1994 by both the New York Times and The Washington Post, and Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos , a finalist for the Samuel Johnson Prize.

Michio Kaku dismisses the 2012 hysteria

Michio Kaku reassures us that the science of the theory behind the movie, that we'll be taken out due to planetary alignment, is blatantly lacking in credibility. (Hey, it's just like the fear tactics of the global warming hysteria!)

Michio Kaku on God

WIll We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization?

Dr. Michio Kaku: SCI FI or SCI FACT

Is telepathy possible? How about teleportation or starships? In this lecture, Dr. Michio Kaku (a frequent host on science shows for the Discovery Channel, PBS, and author of the best selling book "Physics of the Impossible") talks about many popular technologies in science fiction from a physics perspective, and what it would take to make many of these technologies a reality.

SCI FI or SCI FACT is part of a major lecture series at ASU on science presented by Beyond, the Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. A center at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Beyond seeks to create new and exciting ideas that push the boundaries of research and to answer foundational questions in science, and explore their philosophical ramifications what might be called the big questions

To learn more about other great programs, institutes, and events at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU, go to http://clas.asu.edu

For more about the Beyond Center, go to http://beyond.asu.edu

Brian Cox

The God of the Gaps - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

An out of this world event, Cosmic Quandaries, held at The Palladium in St. Petersburg at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26th drew in an audience of nearly 800! With a one in a million chance of meeting one of only 6,000 astrophysicists in the world, audience members were lined up in order to have the opportunity to ask Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson a question on any and all galactic wonders they may have.

About St. Petersburg College:
In 1927, St. Petersburg College (then known as St. Petersburg Junior College) became Florida's first private, non-profit, two-year school of higher learning located in downtown St. Petersburg. Full accreditation followed in 1931 and in 1948 SPC became a public college.
In June 2001, SPJC officially became St. Petersburg College when Florida's governor signed legislation making it the first community college in Florida to offer four-year degrees. On Dec. 11, 2001, the college received the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' accreditation to offer courses leading to bachelor's degrees.
In 2002, St. Petersburg College began offering courses leading to bachelor's degrees in Education, Nursing and Technology Management. The college's commitment to its two-year curriculum, which has earned it wide recognition and annually wins it high national rankings, remains as strong as ever.
Today, SPC has eight learning sites throughout Pinellas County and recently became the first college in Florida to offer a four-year degree in Dental Hygiene. This program's offerings augment its two-year program, which has been in operation since 1963. SPC added four-year degrees in Veterinary Technology, Public Safety Administration and Orthotics and Prosthetics in 2005.
College Accreditation
St. Petersburg College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associates degrees and to offer courses leading to bachelor's degrees in the following areas: Banking, Nursing, Business Administration, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Elementary/Secondary Education, Paralegal Studies. Educational Studies. Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification. Dental Hygiene. Public Safety Administration. Health Services Administration. Sustainability Management. International Business. Technology Management. Management & Organizational Leadership. Veterinary Technology.

SPC also offers access to junior and senior level courses for bachelors and graduate degrees at the University Partnership Center. The UPC partners with the University of South Florida, University of South Florida at St. Petersburg, Eckerd College, University of Florida, Florida State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, University of Central Florida, Florida International University, Florida A&M University, Saint Leo University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida Institute of Technology, Barry University, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, Indiana University, and St. Petersburg College.

Benoit Mandelbrot - The nature of roughness in mathematics, science and art

Benoit Mandelbrot (Yale University, USA), "The nature of roughness in mathematics, science and art," Special Lecture, ICM 2006, Madrid, 27 Aug 2006.

50,000 Year-old North American Human Activity

Archeologists digging at the Topper site in South Carolina have produced strong evidence of human activity in North America 50,000 years ago (see article from ScienceDaily, 2004). These findings are creating much controversy in the archeological community as the foundations of the evolution of the Homo sapien say that human activity started in Africa between 60,000 and 80,000 years ago and that they eventually migrated to Australia and Europe where remains are found showing human activity 40,000 years ago. Then according to the standard model the Homo sapien crossed to North America 13,000 years ago. Although the author of this article is skeptical, the findings are solid and the carbon dating determined a minimal date of 50,000 years, widely contradicting the 13,000 years standard model for human activity in North America. These results are now being published in peer review journals.
If these new findings confirm human activity in North America as far back as 60,000 years ago, a new model of the evolution of man will be needed; one that demands a global evolution and may involve an external intervention as described in many different cultures and creation myths around the world. This global intervention may be related to the unusual skulls remains that are starting to be found in various regions of the world, and that many ancient cultures describe as the forefathers of our evolution in their creation myths (see recent post, Skulls of our Forefathers).

Skulls of our Forefathers

Archaeologists recently have found elongated skulls similar to the ones mentioned in DVD #3 of the “Crossing the Event Horizon” DVD set. These skulls however were found across the globe from South America, in Russia near the town of Omsk. They as well exhibit the same features as the ones in South America with their large elongated structure. This supports the fact that these remarkable remains of an ancient past were not only located in a particular region on earth, but were prevalent across the planet in many cultures that describe them as Sun Gods with their elongated skulls and unusual features.

Many of these cultures from South America, Native America and Egypt went on to attempt to deform their children’s skulls by banding them at birth to imitate the Sun Gods’ skull structures. This very important discovery in Siberia combined with similar skulls that were found in Iraq and France marks the beginning of the unraveling of an ancient history intricately linked with our evolution.

Nassim Haramein - Gráficos

O Sepulcro Esquecido de Jesus

Análises científicas realizadas em ossuários de pedra calcária e evidências físicas encontradas em uma tumba de dois mil anos, em Talpiot, Jerusalém, indicam que essa sepultura pode ter contido os restos mortais de Jesus de Nazaré e sua família. Este documentário inédito, assinado pelos cineastas James Cameron e Simcha Jacobovici, revela com exclusividade o que pode se tratar do maior achado arqueológico da História. A produção apresenta as últimas evidências sugeridas por especialistas renomados internacionalmente, baseadas em inscrições em aramaico, análises de DNA, ciência forense, arqueologia e estatística. Entre as maiores descobertas relatadas pelo programa, está a evidência de que Jesus e Maria Madalena possam ter concebido um filho chamado Judas.

Segundo o documentário, a tumba de Talpiot continha, originalmente, 10 ossuários, nove dos quais ainda estão sob a guarda da instituição Israel Antiquity Authority (IAA Autoridade de Antigüidades Israelense). Seis dessas caixas, datadas do primeiro século d.C., apresentam inscrições com nomes que constam do Novo Testamento — Jesus, filho de José, Maria, Maria Madalena, Mateus, José e Judas, filho de Jesus. 

Flower of Life

The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest to date example. it is carved in granite and may possibly represent the Eye of Ra a symbol of the authority of the pharaoh.
Other examples can be found in Phoenician, Assyrian, Indian, Asian, Middle Eastern, and medieval art.
Flower of Life - Turkey
Flower of Life - Amistar, India
[folamritsar2.jpg]    [folamritsar3.jpg]
Flower of Life - Amistar, India (close up)
    Image:Flower-of-Life da-Vinci 02.jpg
Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He has drawn the Flower of Life itself, as well as components therein, such as the Seed of Life. He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design.
Flower of life made of intersecting spheres instead of circles.

Crop Circle showing a variation of the Flower of Life
Photo Credit: Lucy Pringle

Where Math, Geometry and Spirituality meets
The flower of life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life that consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in one jewel.
The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, it can be found in ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Mesada.
People reported physical and psychological changes after wearing this pendant - faster heart beats, prophetic dreams, breaking of illusions, seeing the reality as it is and becoming free from long time fears.
The flower of life is one of the strongest sacred geometric shapes!
The whole universe in one jewel!  The Flower of life pendant is excellent for healing and helps in connecting to the higher self.

Sacred Geometry - Flower of Life

By Andrew Monkman
I believe the complete ancient flower of life is an inter-dimensional tool, a portal, a stargate, a window into what some call the inter space plains. The original flower of life (found on several pillars within "the Osireion" at abydos in Egypt) is incomplete, because it is only the first layer of three (pic1+2).
1. Flower of Life carved on a temple wall

The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt.

2. The Flower of Life set in stone
at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt.
The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional (pic3). If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open. Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear. We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don't fight it.
3. Flower of life with two layers added.
Click to enlarge (3.7MB)
What appears is a reptilian entity. This creature is very frightening and fierce looking, but i can assure you it can do you no harm. I know this sounds mad, but it is true and very real. After you get used to interacting with the reptilian, you can move on to the next entity. To interact with the second being you must rotate the flower by 30degrees and repeat the steps.
[folbeijing.jpg]  [folbeijing2.jpg]
Flower of Life - Beijing, China
The second being is the Chinese dragon ( the fu dog). This creature is even more frightening than the first, so be prepared. Again, this creature cannot harm you in anyway. Somehow these entities are in suspended animation. They are real but they do not and cannot move. I know within freemasonry, they call the first entity "the khaibit man". You need to have been initiated into the 10th degree to be aware of the khaibit man. As part of the initiation into the 10th degree, the khaibit man is conjured up in front of you.
I am not a freemason, but my father has been a freemason for over 40 years.
He has been through the 10th degree. When I made this discovery and drew the complete flower, I was living in Edinburgh. I phoned my father who was living at home in Kirkwall on the Orkney isles. When I told my father what I had seen,
he could not believe what I was saying. He told me that the only way I could know what I was telling him was if I had been through the 10th degree.
Obviously I'm not a mason and hadn't been through the 10th, so from that day on my father has told me everything he knows about freemasonry. He also told me that his granny (my great granny Fox) told him when he was 16 years old, that someday one of his children would discover something that would affect the whole world.
He is now convinced that the complete flower is this discovery.
You may know that the complete flower contains the kabbalah`s tree of life, the fruit, the egg and the seed of life (pic. 4 & 5).
4. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life.

5. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life.

The complete flower also contains the three dimensional metatron cube (pic6), which holds all the Platonic solids (pic7).
Not just the building blocks of life, but the building blocks of creation itself.
6. Metatron Cube
7. Platonic Solids
I found this symbol on a knights templar tombstone (pic. 9),  found within the St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall, Orkney (pic. 8).
8. St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall
9. Knights Templar tombstone from St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall

I believe this symbol is a representation of the egg of life (pic.10),which is the second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (pic. 11).
10. The egg of life (left)
11. The second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (right)
I was born and bred and now live back in Kirkwall. At no time did I ever get taught at school, that there was any knights templars who came from or to Orkney. For whatever reason,  the computer generated flower (pic. 13) does not work for the contemplation. It does contain all Freemasonry's sacred symbols.
12. The origin of the G of freemasonry
13. A computer generated version of the complete flower
Click to enlarge (2.7MB)
I believe that all the most ancient alphabets originate from the complete flower of life.

2 images above: the 'elder futhark' runes alphabet overlaid onto the cfol.

2 images above: the ancient Phoenician alphabet overlaid onto the cfol.
Several magic and alchemical symbols which are found within the flower.

I thought I`d add this picture as you will recognize the pattern (pic14).
14. Pattern of snake's skin

The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points. This picture gives you idea how the grid looks (pic.15).
15. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.
 ©2007 Andrew Monkman
All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with Permission

Dance of the Planets

Orbits of Venus and the Earth are yet another example of sacred geometry.

This image shows the proportions of the orbit of the Earth and Venus (if the diameter  the Earth's orbit is equal to diagonal of a square, the orbit of Venus would fit inside such square as shown on the drawing.
The image below has been made by hand with help of computer software for drafting. First, let's draw a square and two circles so one fits inside a square and the other outside the square. Strangely this represents accurately proportions of the orbits of Venus and Earth.
Second, let's draw equally spaced points on each circle representing number of days per orbit (365 points for the orbit of the Earth and 225 points for the orbit of Venus). Next, let's connected lines between orbital positions of each planet for each day - picking for the starting point a day when both planets are closest to each other. After repeating this process for 8 orbits of the Earth the lines form this amazing image:

Copyright by World-Mysteries.com
This image (to scale) shows dance of Venus and Earth - each of the fine lines connects both planets over time
 required to complete 8 orbits by Earth (and 13 orbits by Venus). Orbit of Earth is cropped out.

Tree of Life

Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen in other traditions such as the ancient Egyptian.
The Tree of Life is explained in Sefer Yetzira ("Book of Creation"). The book explained the creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The 10 sefirot together with the 22 letters constitute the "32 paths of secret wisdom".
The Tree of Life is used as a sign of unity and love.
The Tree of Life pendant forms the key to God's original creation. The pendant fits exactly to the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life.