Crop circles are one of the most profound and mysterious phenomena of the modern age. They have had a powerful effect on thousands of people who have witnessed and studied them through the years.
Irrespective of origin, crop circles have acted as a catalyst to spirituality as we strive to understand the meaning and purpose behind the genuine crop circles. It has been said that these crop formations contain great wisdom, and perhaps are encoded and hold keys to the time of ascension that is fast approaching.
Even to the most casual observer, the crop formations are eye-catching and lovely. To mathematicians they represent the presence of an original and profoundly deep intelligence. To an ever-expanding community of spiritual seekers they symbolize that our planet is reaching a decisive stage of evolution. Perhaps as well, they indicate contact with kindred earth energies, spirits, or devas - or kindred extraterrestrial beings - whose communications are emerging at this time to assist us through this critical point in our planet's and our species' history.
The most direct and powerful way to experience crop circles is to walk within and among them. While many millions are fascinated by and have strong interest in the formations, relatively few are able to partake of that unique and wondrous first-hand encounter.
And yet, the only way to truly become fully cognizant of, and experience first hand, the 'shape, design, and geometry' of the crop circles - which is not fully evident while on the ground and in their midst - is to fly above them in a light plane and gaze down. How many fewer even, are able to experience that perspective? The rest of us must extract what we can through aerial photographs, or view them as graphically rendered reconstructions.
From Michael Glickman again; "I have spent hundreds of hours in the circles. But many times more with the circles at my drawing board. This activity, I am sure, offers another doorway towards a comprehension of this radically mysterious phenomenon."
"Why do these patterns have such a hypnotic effect on me? And not only on me. Many others are affected by them. But what makes these crop circle shapes so powerful? During reconstruction of the different crop circles you will see that...over and over again, nearly every time you think you come across a coincidence, you can be sure that it is not. You will, for example, find perfect ratios."
"The crop circle shapes work deep inside us in such a way that it enables us to do and feel things that we were unable to access before."
Janssen also says, "The crop patterns have played a major role in the change which I have seen take place in so many people who became involved with crop circles. Other friends who did not become involved with these mysterious shapes, did not change."
"The power of the shapes is not because they were laying in crop. No, the power resides in the shapes themselves."
Because of their inherent spiritual power and the fact that seekers gather in them, crop circles have been called temporary temples. Indeed, they last for a very shortduration...a few weeks at most. In fact, the Crooked Soley crop formation in 2002 was mowed down by the farmer whose field it was, only hours after it was discovered.
Brown and Michell develop an argument that this particular crop circle represents direct communication from a divine intelligence. Not just any superior intelligence, they say it is the divine intelligence that created the Universe.
Michell wrote, "This short-lived masterpiece was not only beautiful and finely crafted - as well as utterly mysterious - but it gave information, precise and numerically expressed, on a subject that I have been studying and writing about throughout my active life, the subject of ancient cosmology and the code of number on which every past civilization was founded. At the heart of this traditional code or canon are two basic components, the numbers 5040 and 7920, along with their common factor 720. These numbers were plainly emphasized in the Crooked Soley crop circle."
The circle appeared at night on 27 August 2002. It was the last major formation of the season and I was unaware of it until a year later when Allan Brown brought it to my attention. He had observed its numerical composition and recognized the significance of 5040 and 7920 through my writings about these numbers. He then waited for a year to see if anyone else would recognize them. No one did, so he wrote to me and, as said above, filled me with awe and amazement."
Crooked Soley, it seems, represents a new stage in a process which has been going on for many years. This process was observed as early as 1959, by Carl Jung in his last and most prophetic book, 'Flying Saucers'. He characterized the UFO phenomenon as a portent of radical changes in thoughts and perceptions, culminating in a renewal of divine influence - the return of the ancient gods. In crop circles, says Patrick Harpur in the afterword, Mercurius is the dominant power - the god of inspiration and learning. He is the traditional source of the revealed code of knowledge symbolized by 5040 and 7920, the numbers so beautifully encoded in the Crooked Soley formation."
Devil's Den - "This is a cosmic equation for the planetary alignments necessary for the full activation of what is known in the mythology of the House of David as the fully awakened Christ Being. This is the effect of the awakening of the DNA of the lineage of the ancient houses of light. The geometry of this crop circle imprints the cosmic completion of the Eden Principle."
Avebury Trusloe - "This crop circle is the code sequence for the intergalactic frequency and phase shift adjustments. The result is a rejuvenation and recalibration to the original blueprint of the essential life force within the third dimension
on Earth. The spheres in this crop circle represent the merging of the alpha and omega (mother/father) energies in the cre
ation of the new paradigm. The recalibration to the original blueprint is complete. The galactic counterpoint process has been activated."
Woodborough Hill - "Within the divine potential of All That Is dwells all that has been and that ever will be. This is the portal all all divine possibilities, the meeting place of cosmic creation. Allow your eyes to merge with this crop circle design and this will encode your brain's neurocortex to adjust from the rapidly deteriorating old world to the newly resonant third dimensional hologram."
At his dynamic website, Keys of the Arcturians, Janosh, a Scandinavian artist, offers extraordinary holographic computer art. It was not till after they appeared on the internet, however, that Janosh says he realized these were crop circle designs.
Shortly thereafter Janosh was contacted by an Arcturian entity called Saïe. Saïe says it is the Arcturians who are largely responsible for the crop circle phenomenon. He shared with Janosh special meanings ('keys') that each design contains. A few examples:
Woolstone Hill = Confidence. The energy of Confidence stimulates you to make your choices based on your level of confidence. Everything happens for a reason. You should feel confident knowing the fact that you cannot make any bad choices. The choices you make merely determine the length of the road ahead of you and toward reaching your goal in this lifetime.
Avebury Henge (2005) = Gratitude. The energy of Gratitude helps us remember to be grateful about everything that happens in our lives for we have created it ourselves.
Saïe says, "The Sacred Geometry within these formations is recognized by the subconscious, since all living creatures consist of geometrically shaped elements. The Golden Ratio is such an example and frequently appears in crop circles. Sacred Geometry is the most universal language that Earth has ever known up until now. The purpose of this ‘supernatural’ communication is to guide mankind in its evolution to a higher level of consciousness. A level that humans seem to have lost over the past thousands of years. This way they clear the path for literally creating Heaven on Earth."
As a result mankind is more consciously prepared to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Since humans have a rather visual focus, they absorb the codes much faster in their subconscious by looking at them as opposed to hearing or reading about it."
Suppose you were given a set of keys...
Keys that awaken a giant sleeping network of energy.
Keys that open a library of ancient information - knowledge that science is only now rediscovering.
Keys encoding new systems of technology.
Keys with powers to heal, to alter consciousness and affect social change.
Keys that provide a bridge between physical and non-physical realms.
Keys that ultimately unlock the Universal potential within you.
And suppose great efforts have been employed to suppress the origins of these keys?
Keys that awaken a giant sleeping network of energy.
Keys that open a library of ancient information - knowledge that science is only now rediscovering.
Keys encoding new systems of technology.
Keys with powers to heal, to alter consciousness and affect social change.
Keys that provide a bridge between physical and non-physical realms.
Keys that ultimately unlock the Universal potential within you.
And suppose great efforts have been employed to suppress the origins of these keys?
ET channeler Jackie Salvitti says they have come here now to gift us the 'keys and the codes'. Who are these codes for, if not for Humankind? Might one wish to use those keys and decipher the codes? Yet, how does one go about doing so when the crop circles are found in so few places and persist for such brief moments in time? By going to see and be with them, of course...if you are able. But in lieu of that (or in addition) - by reading books, scouring the Internet, looking at photos and drawings, and viewing videos.
May the keys unlock your inner doors and may the Codes of the Cosmos help you pass through them.
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